
AB 32 Backlash Clouds Future of Smart Growth

AB 32, California, Climate change, Featured Articles, Josh Stephens, SB 375, Vol. 25, No. 7, April 1, 2010

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State Seeks 1.5 Million Missing People in 2010 Census

2010 Census, California, Featured Articles, Josh Stephens, Numbers, Regional planning, State agencies, Trends, Vol. 25, No. 5-6, March 2010

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Tax, Budgeting, CEQA Initiatives Proposed

California, Featured Articles, Initiatives and referendums, Paul Shigley, Vol. 25, No. 3, Feb. 1, 2010

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Revised FEMA Flood Risk Maps Raise Ire

California, Featured Articles, Flood control, Paul Shigley, Vol. 25, No. 02, Jan. 15, 2010

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Development Outlook Remains Negative

California, Featured Articles, Paul Shigley, Vol. 25, No. 01, Jan. 1, 2010

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The Biggest Stories Of 2009

California, Featured Articles, Paul Shigley, TopStories, Vol. 24 No. 18 Dec 2009 - 2

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Stewardship Council Created To Manage Delta

Featured Articles, Paul Shigley, Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, Vol. 24 No. 16 Nov 2009 - 2

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Decision Time Nears For Local Initiatives

California, Featured Articles, Initiatives and referendums, Paul Shigley, Vol. 24 No. 14 Oct 2009 - 2

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Kern County Approves Tejon Ranch Resort

CP&DR Staff, Featured Articles, Kern County, New cities, Vol. 24 No. 14 Oct 2009 - 2

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Panel Urges More Work Before Regional GHG Targets Set

California, Climate change, Featured Articles, Paul Shigley, Vol. 24 No. 13 Oct 2009 - 1

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