Legal Digest


Preservationists Lose In Capitol Annex Case

California Constitution, CEQA , Historic Preservation, State Capitol

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Upland Warehouse Doesn't Need EIR

CEQA, Upland, Warehouses

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Elk Grove Settles, Will Be Monitored By HCD

Density Bonus Law, Elk Grove, Housing, SB 35

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Streetscape Plan Is Exempt From CEQA

CEQA, Los Angeles, Transportation

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Santee Council Can't End-Run Voters on Fanita Ranch

CEQA, Density Bonus Law, General Plan, Housing, Housing Accountability Act, Santee, SB 330

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Church/Eldercare Project Moves Forward In Westwood

CEQA, Eldercare, Westwood, Zoning

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Fresno's Tower Theater Drama Continues

Anti-SLAPP, Fresno, Tower Theater

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Exception To The Infill Exemption Gets Harder

CEQA, Endangered Species, Infill, Lafayette, Tustin

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AIDS Healthcare Foundation Loses To City of L.A. Again

AIDS Healthcare Foundation, CEQA, Housing, Los Angeles

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UCSF Exempt From Local Zoning

State Pre-emption, UCSF, Zoning

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Redondo Beach Loses A Round To Power Plant Developer

Builder's Remedy, Housing, Redondo Beach, SLAPP

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Cal Supremes Remind Us CEQA Is Just A Law

CEQA, Housing, Noise, Peoples Park, UC Berkeley

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