Altogether the governor signed more than 40 planning and development bills, vetoing only one bill designed to encourage conversion of old office buildings to housing, apparently because off the labor standards contained in the bill.
Legislation includes everything expanding SB 9 to guardrails on builders remedy to clarifying how a housing element can be deemed compliant. About 15 planning and development bills remain on the governor's desk.
Two bills sitting on the governor's desk would make it more difficult for cities and counties to claim that their housing element is compliant just because their elected officials approved it. Those are among the 30 so or planning and development bills approved by the Legislature this year.
Our review of CP&DR's most-read stories show that housing again dominated the news -- including builder's remedy, new legislation, and L.A.'s Measure ULA.
At a recent conference panel, four prominent state legislators talked about whether their bills are making the housing situation better -- and how the effectiveness of that legislation can be improved.