As with SCAG, Bay Area jurisdictions are appealing their housing targets in large numbers. Unsurprisingly, the most challengers are coming from Marin County.
In turning down a 48-unit condominium project near Beach Boulevard, did Huntington Beach violate the Housing Accountability Act's requirement that findings be based on objective standards? Or will a fire expert's 11th-hour conclusion that one standard was violated be enough to save the city's case?
CP&DR spoke with HCD Director Gustavo Velasquez about whether the new Prohousing program can turn jurisdictions that are anti-housing into pro-housing communities.
The designation will give "prohousing" jurisdictions a leg up on some housing grant programs. But will it fundamentally change how any cities approach the housing question?
In exchange for vested rights from the City of San Jose, Google has committed to an unprecedented investment in infrastructure, affordable housing, and community benefits.