
Results 41 - 50 of 217 for oakland coliseum.

The state has gone into the infill and transit-oriented development business for the first time. But it is hard to...

Officials with the Imperial Irrigation District have proposed a smaller plan for restoration of the Salton Sea,...

A report by the Los Angeles Times indicates that transit ridership in the Los Angeles area has steadily declined...

Mayor Libby Shaaf gets serious about alternative transportation >>read more

A Q&A with Nelson/Nygaard's Jeff Tumlin, who is serving as the city's interim transportation director. >>read more

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service found through genetic tests that the rare coastal California gnatcatcher qualifies...

The California Natural Resources Agency announced the 39 winning green infrastructure projects through the...

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors adopted the Safety Element Update to the county’s general plan,...

Appellate court shoots down a litany of CEQA arguments, finding fault only with wind impacts. But the stadium's...

The city claimed that because the entire 8,800-square-foot property had been conveyed as one more than 75 years ago,...