The Coastal Commission voted unanimously to fine the Rio Del Mar Beach Island Homeowners Association $4.7 million due to violations dating back to 1982
The ruling came after HCD rejected the city's housing element for a third time. The city's attorney says Beverly Hills is appealing the case and therefore the suspension won't go into effect immediately.
Our review of CP&DR's most-read stories show that housing again dominated the news -- including builder's remedy, new legislation, and L.A.'s Measure ULA.
In third unpublished appellate court ruling, justices reject argument that affordable housing will not result and that an alternative site in Marina, 40 miles away, should ahve been considered.
Bishop's new downtown plan, winner of a 2023 California Chapter of American Planning Association award for comprehensive planning, seeks to address a housing crunch and introduce mixed-use density to small-town urbanism
A coalition of residents on the California side of Lake Tahoe area filed a lawsuit to block recently-approved modifications to a development plan allowing for increased affordable housing
They could simply box in California cities on nexus and proportionality. Or, led by Thomas and Alito, they could throw the bomb and say development is a right and not a privilege