
L.A. Housing Element Kills CEQA Exemption For Hotel Project

CEQA, Hollywood, Housing, Housing Element, Infill Exemption, Rent Control

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The Lawyer Behind The "Builder's Remedy"

Builders Remedy, Housing, Housing Accountability Act, Housing Element, Santa Monica

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Where Did This "Builder's Remedy" Come From?

Housing, Housing Accountability Act, Housing Element, RHNA, Santa Monica

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HCD Expects Review To Be Confined To San Francisco For Now

HCD, Housing, Housing Element, Newsom, San Francisco

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Newsom Proposes Sweeping Changes on RHNA, Housing Elements

Housing, Housing Element, RHNA

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State Law Prevails Over Slow-Growth Vote in Encinitas

Ballot Measures, Encinitas, Housing Element

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Housing Element EIR Can Use Future Baseline

CEQA, Housing Element, San Francisco

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Insight: The State Gets Tough On Housing Elements

Housing Element, Regional Housing Needs Assessment

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