by Josh Stephens on Jun 1, 2020
Berkeley, COVID-19, Oakland, Tactical Urbanism
Low-cost transformation of streets to public -- and restaurant -- spaces may help enliven city neighborhoods and revive their sales tax bases.
by Josh Stephens on Aug 11, 2019
Berkeley, Housing , Mountain View, San Francisco, San Jose, Schools
Especially in Bay Area, districts look at landholdings and see potential to provide housing for teachers. >>read more
by William Fulton on Feb 26, 2019
Alquist-Priolo Act, Berkeley, CEQA
Court rules that earthquake and landslide risk areas aren't "environmental resources". >>read more
by William Fulton on Sep 16, 2018
Berkeley, CEQA, Housing, SB 35
Exemption for historic landmarks could limit law's use in exactly the locations where housing should be built. >>read more
by Morris Newman on Apr 8, 2018
Berkeley, Housing, SB 35
Apartment building gets fast-tracked as a result. >>read more
by William Fulton on Oct 24, 2017
Affordable Housing, Berkeley, CEQA, San Francisco, Santa Cruz
Forget comprehensive CEQA reform. In Sacramento and cities across California, the end-run is the thing. >>read more