The staff recommended upzoning half the the city, excluding the fire-prone Berkeley Hills. But the planning commission has recommended rezoning all of Berkeley including the hills.
The Department of Housing and Community Developed released its annual update on the state's progress towards housing goals, highlighting each jurisdictions' applications, entitlements, building permits and completions
The U.S. Supreme Court's exactions ruling left a lot of things up in the air. Most important: Does California's typical "fair share" methodology for general plan-level exactions meet the court's "rough proportionality" rule?
U.S. Supreme Court rules unanimously that California's unique exactions rule is unconstitutional. But will it really require California cities and counties to scale back on exactions?
The Town of Portola Valley has lost its housing element certification from the state due to its failure to approve changes allowing denser housing and more multifamily development
Locals officials are agents of the state when they are adopting an SB 10 ordinance, thus allowing them to overrule density caps imposed by voters, judges say.
New legislation would try to give both cities and developers something they want, while putting guardrails on builder's remedy projects. Meanwhile, HCD revoked Portola Valley's housing element approval.
The AIDS Healthcare Foundation aims to purchase properties on Los Angeles' Skid Row, primarily old single-room occupancy hotels, owned by the financially troubled Skid Row Housing Trust
A private gun club leasing land from the City of Ukiah in Mendocino County expanded -- with ministerial review from the city and no review at all from the county. An appellate court has decided that's not okay.
Concluding that the Attorney General's Office is likely to win its case against the recalcitrant city, the judge granted both temporary relief and a preliminary injunction while the case moves forward.