4 Sections
4 Lessons
Course Description
Taught by former San Diego Planning Director and longtime planing commentator, Bill Fulton,
AICP, this course covers the history of exactions and how the pending Supreme Court case on
exactions could, known as the Sheetz case, could dramatically affect planning practice. It covers
the history of the Nollan/Dolan doctrine, which creates limits on exactions that can be imposed
on developers, and dicusses implications for planning practice depending on how the Supreme
Court rules in Sheetz. The course is designed to:
1. Ground practicing planners in the legal history and concepts behind exactions.
2. Help planners understand the legal limits to exactions under current law.
3. Prepare practicing planners for possible changes that could result from the Supreme
Court’s pending ruling in the Sheetz case.
Eligible for 1.0 AICP CM credit (Law).
Part 3: Beyond Nollan/Dolan
Part 3 describes the evolution of exactions law after Nollan/Dolan, with particular emphasis on California’s “legislative carveout” that exempts some exactions from the Nollan/Dolan doctrine and a description of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Koontz case.
Exactions Part 3: Beyond Nollan/Dolan