How Parking Drives Planning

$29.00 4 Sections 4 Lessons

Course Description

This one-course course provides an overview of parking as a land use issue and provides tips for planners on how to deal with parking as an issue. The four 15-minute sections of the course cover:

-- A history of parking as a land use issue

-- How parking drives development more than zoning

-- Donald Shoup's principles and a case study

-- Elminating minimum parking requirements and the future of parking

Eligible for one hour of AICP CM Credit

Course Content

Why (The Heck) Is Parking A Land-Use Issue

Why does parking play such an important role in land use planning? This lesson covers the basics of parking as a land use issue and the history of parking.
Parking #1

How Parking Drivers Development

This lesson covers how parking sometimes drives development more than zoning and can also affect development project feasibility.
Parking #2

Shoupian Principles

This section discusses the innovative parking ideas of Donald Shoup and discusses a case study of his principles being applied in Downtown Ventura, California.
Parking Section 3 (Revised)

Minimum Parking Requirements and the Future of Parking

This lesson covers the pros and cons of minimum parking requirements and provides some ideas about where parking issues are headed in the future.
Parking #4