Course Description

In this one-hour course, Bill Fulton explains how planning requirements and practices affect development feasibility and how development projects affect a jurisdiction's fiscal well-being. Eligible for AICP CM credit. 4 parts.

Course Content

Development Feasibility

In this section, Bill Fulton goes over the basics of development pro-formas and explains how planning practices and planning requirements can affect whether development projects get built or not.
Finance For Planners Part 1

Local Government Revenue and Costs

In this section, Bill Fulton explains how local governments rely on property taxes, sales tax, impact fees, and other sources of revenue that are affected by development projects.
Finance For Planners Part 2

Fiscal Impact Analysis

In this section, Bill Fulton explains how the fiscal impact of development projects is calculated and how local governments approach this question.
Finance For Planners Part 1

Are The Tradeoffs Worth It?

In the final section of this course, Bill Fulton lays out the tradeoffs inherent in approving and conditioning development projects and advises practicing planners how to approach this question.
Finance For Planners Part 4