California's Major Land Use Housing Laws

$29.00 4 Sections 4 Lessons

Course Description

A one-hour AICP CM law class that provides an overview of California's recent land use / housing laws, including the Housing Accountability Act, the Density Bonus Law, SB 330, SB 35, and other important laws. 

Course Content

Introduction to California Housing Laws

This section provides context and overview for the course, including a history of California housing production, an explanation of discretionary versus ministerial approvals, and an explanation of why the state began to cut into lower power on land use.
Housing Laws #1

The Housing Accountability Act And SB 330

A deep dive into "the most important housing law you've never heard of" -- and how SB 330 affects land use practice in California today.
Housing Laws #2

Density Bonus Law and SB 35

Maybe no law has been so important in overriding local land use power in the last few years than the Density Bonus Law. This section provides a deep dive into the DBL -- as well as SB 35 and how clever developers use them together.
Housing Laws #3

ADUs, SB 9/10, SB 4 -- And How Planning Practitioners Should Approach All this Stuff!

The wrapup to the course includes material about ADUs, as well as recent las such as SB 9, SB 10, and SB 4. But just as important, here are Bill's tips about how planning practitioners might function in this new world.
Housing Laws #4