5 Sections
4 Lessons
Course Description
This one-hour course covers the basics of economic development for planners,including:
-- The different goals of economic development (jobs, tax revenue, business growth)
-- How jurisdictions approach economic development for these different purposes
-- How to pursue inclusive economic development
-- How to use economic development incentives
Part 1: What Is Economic Development
Economic development can mean different things to different people. Whatever you goal is -- jobs, business expansion, tax revenue, equity -- be clear on the goal before you undertake your effort.
Economic Development Part 1
Part 2: How Jurisdictions Approach Economic Development
Your approach will be very different depending on your goal. If are trying to attract businesses, you'll probably start with a cluster analysis to determine where your strengths are. If you are trying to attract retailers, you'll want a firm grasp of your market and demographics.
Economic Development Part 2